Mail Holiday Cards Easily This Year With Excel!

Microsoft Office Tip of the Day:

The Excel part of Mail Merge-

Still have not sent out your holiday cards ? Use your address list in Excel and create mailing labels in Word. If you want to create labels from your Outlook contacts, first import the contacts into Excel.

Preparing your addresses in Excel

Your column headers, or categories, in Excel will become merge fields (placeholders) in Word. Each merge field corresponds to a piece of the address on the label—first name, last name, street address, and so on. The end will look like this:

Data from Excel columns appearing on labelRemember these helpful tips:

  • Use column headers such as First Name, Last Name, Address, and City instead of  Column 1, Column 2, etc.
  • Avoid blank rows and columns in your address list. During the mail merge, these blanks can trick Word into thinking that it has reached the end of the address list, when in fact there is more information after the blanks.
  • If you have a column containing postal codes, make sure you format that column as Text. Otherwise, Excel will strip out any zeros from the front of the postal code.

Check back next week for detailed steps on how to finish the mail merge in Word.

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